During the winter of 2007 I was focusing on my Spanish verbs, trying to improve my stumbling language skills. My significant other, Ivan is from Nicaragua and we were frequently traveling to Central America. I didn’t suspect that a book I picked up one day at the library, “There is No Me Without You” by Melissa Fay Greene would change the course of my life. I had considered adopting a child for years, but I thought I needed a good therapist, since I’ve already raised four children. But the book wrapped itself tightly around my heart as I read about the AID’s crisis in Africa and the millions of orphaned children, I couldn’t look away. My world grew smaller and I felt a connection to Ethiopia and Haregewoin the woman who gives her life to orphans. Because my feelings of connectedness I took myself to a therapist who didn’t convince me to care any less about the orphaned children of the world.
To try to understand the extent of the crisis in Africa and my decision please take a look at the links I have included under Ethiopia, as well as looking at a longer version of my explanation and thoughts, which I intend to eventually include.
We are adopting a baby boy and Joe and I hope to fly to Africa in late summer and early fall.
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