Friday, December 26, 2008

Got Anything That Needs Fixing?

Christmas 2008

It was pretty much all about Bryan and everyone was in agreement that Christmas is all about the little ones--we all enjoyed his Christmas morning enthusiasm. Joey is giving Bryan a little help in this photo.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bryan's First Trip to the Dentist

This picture represents Bryan's attitude before they tried putting fingers and tools in his mouth. The attempt at ex-rays brought crocodile tears and then gagging. Needless to say we'll try that again another time. The $160.00 teeth brushing he got from the dentist was a success. Yeah!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Referral Today!

At about 3 pm today I checked my phone messages at work at it was Amy from Children Home Society. I new this was it. I returned her call, but I had to leave a message. I had to leave work. I didn’t want to get the news then. I drove home quickly and grabbed Julie, the dog. The sun was shining and the snow was crunching and my cell phone started ringing. I took the time to breath before answering the call where after cordialities I was told, “I have good news.” It was a moment that I’m sure has been imprinted on my soul. I hung on Amy’s every word. After she told me about my son I was concerned about his birth mother, so she told me more. After I hung up I just walked and glowed with the knowledge of my son. I knew a picture was waiting for me when I got back to work and I wanted it to wait because I already new and that was more than enough for that moment.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Jessy's Blog

Keep track of what Jessy has been up to and will be up to soon. In January she leaves for a Semester at Sea where she will visit Spain, Morocco, Namibia, India, Thailand and more! A link to her Blog is on the left.

Leaning Towards Blogging

The snow is finally falling and I'm obsessed with the forum on the CHFS website. It clues me in to who are are getting adoption referrals in relation to us. It's all about your "officially waiting" date which is related to when all your paperwork was approved. Our magic date in 12/27/07, so we should be getting a referral anytime, but there are the holidays and who knows what else going on other than my little life.

My obsession has lead me to peruse many beautiful family blogs, which is like peaking in someones windows. My peeping has inspired me to try this again, so I to can share my family and exploits.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Why I am adopting from Ethiopia

During the winter of 2007 I was focusing on my Spanish verbs, trying to improve my stumbling language skills. My significant other, Ivan is from Nicaragua and we were frequently traveling to Central America. I didn’t suspect that a book I picked up one day at the library, “There is No Me Without You” by Melissa Fay Greene would change the course of my life. I had considered adopting a child for years, but I thought I needed a good therapist, since I’ve already raised four children. But the book wrapped itself tightly around my heart as I read about the AID’s crisis in Africa and the millions of orphaned children, I couldn’t look away. My world grew smaller and I felt a connection to Ethiopia and Haregewoin the woman who gives her life to orphans. Because my feelings of connectedness I took myself to a therapist who didn’t convince me to care any less about the orphaned children of the world.

To try to understand the extent of the crisis in Africa and my decision please take a look at the links I have included under Ethiopia, as well as looking at a longer version of my explanation and thoughts, which I intend to eventually include.

We are adopting a baby boy and Joe and I hope to fly to Africa in late summer and early fall.